It happens to almost everyone... our email addresses get hacked by viruses or worms and unfortunately some of you have been the recipients of spam email from me. My sincerest apologies as I know this has wasted your time and jeopardized your email security. This is very embarrassing for me and I want you to know that I have taken measures to prevent this from happening in the future. If I am in your address book, would you please remove the former email address you had and replace it with Again, my apologies for this inconvenience.
On a lighter note, we had excellent attendance and participation at the Information Technology & Arts/AV Communications Visioning forum at the beautiful Institute for the Culinary Arts at Metropolitan Community College. The results of the Forum can be found on the PFI website PFI website. We look forward to three more Visioning Forums this fall to complete 15 of the 16 Career Clusters.
If you are interested in working on the Standards Revisions for IT, Arts/AV, STEM (Engineering & Energy), Human Services or Hospitality and Tourism, please complete the very short application. Participants will receive a stipend of $250/day, mileage, lodging and breakfast and lunch. Dinner will be on your own. The dates of the respective writing weeks can be found on the website. Locations of the workshops are yet to be determined.
Thank you for your continued support of the Partnerships for Innovation. As you see a need in your community, please do not hesitate to contact me about how we can address it.